This is the time of year to raise chickens when the temperatures are warming
and the hens are laying tons of eggs.
Raising chicks can begin many ways.
Chicks can be gotten from the local farm store.
This is how I got started seeing those cute little chicks at a local farm store in Frank Town, CO
and bringing the chickens with me out to KY years ago.
Now I let the hens raise their own chicks as they do a much better job at it than I can.
Some breeds of chickens do not set on their eggs, so I must collect their eggs daily for
about a week to 10 days and set the eggs in an incubator for 21 days.
Another way to raise chicks is to buy from a hatchery and the chicks come via
the USPS in a box. They're sent out on a Monday and I get them by Wednesday.
The roaster chickens come this way and they are a hybrid chicken and can not be used
for breeding. They must be bought every year from the hatchery.
These are the the meat chickens that grow fast.
New this year is raising Standard Old English Game Fowl.
These chickens are the oldest breed of fowl.
They are popular and sell well and bring the most dollars.
I was able to get a few eggs from a friend to incubate and hopefully begin to raise and breed.
Hens and Roosters and fertile eggs can also be found at farm sales around here.
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However you get the chicks, raising them will give you eggs, meat and/or enjoyment as pets.
Breeds we raise are: Dominques, Buff Orpingtons, Brown Leghorns and Golden Lace Wyandottes.