Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gone Fish'in

Spring is the time to go fishing before the heat descends.
Leave your fishing pole and bait at home and bring your net.
One native fish here are called suckers and can't be caught with a pole.
They are bottom feeders with many bones and swim right into a net or cage.

Sucker fish.
The old folks say the best way to eat these fish
is to can them with a pressure cooker, which
dissolves their many bones, and then fry 'em up
like a salmon patty.

Canned fish
The flavor was very mild, fresh and all
bones were dissolved.
I added fennel seed & cayenne pepper for flavor.

Locally caught fish then freshly canned
and ready to eat as a snack with crackers
or formed into a patty and fried
with the fresh taste and satisfaction of
providing great food and compliments
to the fisherman, Donald.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Walnuts: Black or English?

Did you know that walnuts have the highest plant source of omega-3 oils?

We all try to get our required amount of omega-3 from salmon or fish.

A serving of salmon has 1.7 gm of omega -3, but a smaller amount of walnuts has more omega-3's.

One ounce of walnuts packs 2.6 gm of omega-3.

So, there you have it: walnuts are a must to include with our meals.

A grove of the American Black Walnut tree.
The common, more popular walnuts are called English walnuts.  Another kind of walnut is the
Black walnut, which is harder to find in stores. The blacks are harvested from wild trees across 15 states.
The black walnut tree is an American native tree, while the English walnut tree was imported.

Here is a recipe that has lots of nuts for your health.

                                                                Honey Walnut Bread

It is just a basic bread recipe, so I'll just list the ingredients. Makes 2 small loaves or 1 large loaf.

2 cups English or 1 cup Black walnuts. Toast the walnuts in oven until fragrant, ~8 minutes at 350 degrees
and then chop up. The flavor of Black walnuts is much more bolder than English walnuts, so use less of them.

2 1/2 cups bread flour
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 T. salt
1 T. yeast
2 cups warm water
1/2 locally produced honey
1/4 cup olive oil

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Then & Now

The little black goat and the little black pig were both born about the same time last July.

20# in October

40# in March

A 20# gain in 5 months.

150# in March

50# in October


A 100# gain in 5 months.

The little black goat is still out in the pasture eating grass
and the big black pig is now in the freezer.

So, don't eat too much and don't get too big,
if you want to be around longer. LOL

Friday, March 1, 2013

Baby #1 arrived

The first born animal on the farm this year is: 

hint:  maa  maa

Have you'll heard about the new babies?

It was a beautiful warm sunny February afternoon.
I saw the birth. Only 30 minutes, with no coaching, drugs or yelling. I was expecting only one baby
as it is the first pregnancy for this nanny. Well, she had not one healthy baby,
but two!  After the birth and another 30 minutes, both babies were standing up
and nursing. Amazing.

2 days old

Three nanny goats.

All three are off to a goat auction is a few days.