Monday, August 19, 2013

The Bounty

This year I kept a list of what and how much came out of the garden.
Then I went to the local grocery store and got their prices. (conventional price, not organic)
Then I multiplied their price by my bounty.

The bottom line to purchase is: $ 1285.00        
This is what I would of paid to buy the bounty.
My bounty is organic, not from California or Mexico, not weeks old, and not covered in chemicals.
The organic purchase price is quite a bit more. Since I figured the conventional price, the difference between organic and conventional would more than cover the cost of potting soil, seeds, canning and electric.

All food from the gardens was included, from the Spring greens and scallions and garlic to the late season corn, tomatoes and beets.
Also included were the value added canning. Turning the fresh tomatoes into salsa and spaghetti sauce, raspberries into jam and cucumbers into pickles.
Food was also frozen, ie., cabbage into cabbage rolls, chopped onions and peppers, and frozen broccoli.
Not included was all the fruit (blackberries, blueberries and strawberries) made into wine and the fresh cut flowers for the house.

The important message here, is not the cost or the savings but the veggies, brought to the table, every day, fresh from the garden.  Here is to your Health  !!!  &  vegetable gardens !!!

         "To dig & delve in nice clean dirt can do a mortal little hurt and save a ton of cash"
Almost forgot those potatoes, irish & sweet, hiding in the dirt, so I'll add a few more dollars to the
bottom line.


  1. I love this picture. Those are some serious cabbage heads. Compost for sure.


  2. Very impressive yield and nice calculation of dollar value. Now you have to convert your pure enjoyment from home grown veggies and fruits into dollar value. I know it is impossible to create a formula for this, but if you think about what your gourmet food would cost in a five star restaurant than you have even more value. There is nothing in the world like fresh, no preservatives, no added salt, no pesticides, no genetic manipulation. There is a value added here as well. You are living the abundant life,for sure. Congratulations on living off the land and loving it.



  3. your words are kind, thank-you

    when the sun rises, I go to work
    when the sun goes down, I take my rest
    I ferment the fruit, from which I drink
    I farm the soil that yields my food
    I share Creation, Kings can do no more
