Friday, January 20, 2012


Why goats. Well for me they are a manageable livestock compared to cattle or sheep shearing
or messy hogs.  They can become pets as they are a lovable animal that make us laugh and brings joy.

6 month old nannies

The baby goats or kids are the funniest animals when they're playing.  Besides being natural comics,
goats mow down the grass, provide milk, eat kitchen scrapes, provide compost in the form of used stall straw to use on the gardens and cash when sold. Some people (>70% of the worlds population) consume goat meat and goat cheese. Goat meat is in high demand. My goats are dairy goats. Maybe some day I'll learn to make cheese.

yearling nannies

2 year olds soon to be mommas

Mister Billy Bob

Did you'll know that pound per pound of body weight, a dairy goat is more efficient than a cow?
It takes less feed to produce a gallon of goat milk than a gallon of cow milk. And goat milk
is easier to digest than cow milk because the fat globules are smaller and it has only trace amounts
of casein which is the allergen in cows milk.   Got goats milk?

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